Almonds: A Superfood to Boost Your Health and Well-being

It is undeniable that some foods have multiple benefits for the body and are considered healthier than others. Among them, almonds are known as a « superfood, » excellent for health and even helping to prevent certain pathologies. So, in case of hunger pangs, it’s better to eat almonds rather than reaching for the first bag of chips found in the pantry… Let’s focus on the numerous benefits of almonds.

Where do almonds come from?

Almonds are small fruits that grow on almond trees and come from the hot and dry regions of the Near and Middle East. Consumed since ancient times, they were already one of the gustatory pleasures of Eastern populations 780,000 years ago! Their cultivation, on the other hand, began in China about 3,000 years ago. However, it is now California that is the largest exporter, holding nearly 80% of the world’s almond production.

Do almonds make you gain weight?

Like all oily fruits, almonds are a product rich in oil, so it is better to consume them in moderation. Despite the benefits of almonds as a superfood, they have a high energy value. 100 grams of fresh almonds contain about 350 calories. And when almonds are dried, their caloric value doubles, reaching 634 calories per 100 grams.

Almonds superfood

What are the benefits of almonds for the body?

Almonds contain omega 9. In other words, the lipids present in almonds are considered good fats, renowned for their protective properties on the cardiovascular system. Almonds also contain a significant amount of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that helps the body fight oxidative stress and premature cell aging.

Almonds are also rich in fiber, so they promote intestinal transit. Finally, almonds contain many nutrients. Their magnesium is a natural anti-stress agent. Their calcium helps mineralize bones. Potassium contributes to the proper functioning of the heart and nervous system. Their phytosterols help reduce cholesterol.

Is it good to eat almonds every day and how many almonds should you eat?

Given its numerous health benefits, almonds are a very good ingredient to consume daily. However, it is important not to overdo it… It is recommended to ingest a handful of almonds every day, which is about 30 grams. Similarly, it is better to prefer natural or dry-roasted almonds, without the addition of sugar or salt.

What are the risks of eating too many almonds?

With their richness in fiber, almonds should not be consumed in large quantities. These can indeed cause diarrhea or other discomforts, such as nausea. As always, it is recommended to have a varied diet. So, it is better to stick to a simple daily handful of almonds to enjoy their best benefits.

When should you avoid eating almonds?

Although the consumption of almonds is very beneficial to the body, they are among the most allergenic foods… So it is better not to introduce them into the diet before the age of one. Moreover, whole almonds, like other nuts, are not recommended before the age of 4-5, to avoid any risk of choking. Finally, adults allergic to peanuts should avoid consuming other nuts and oily fruits, including almonds.

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