Strawberry Banana Oat Smoothie – A Satisfaction for Your Cravings

Strawberry Banana Oat Smoothie is one of the most classic smoothie.

Did you know that smoothies have been around for centuries? In fact, the Aztecs and Mayans used to blend fruits and vegetables together to make a refreshing drink. It wasn’t until the 1930s, however, that the modern smoothie was invented by a man named Stephen Poplawski. He created the first blender, which was originally used to make milkshakes. But he soon realized that it could also be used to blend fruits and vegetables together to create a healthy and delicious drink like our strawberry banana oat smoothie.

Smoothies have become a staple in many people’s diets, thanks to their delicious taste and numerous health benefits. They are a great way to get your daily dose of fruits and vegetables, and they can be customized to suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether you are looking for a quick breakfast on the go or a refreshing snack, smoothies are the perfect choice.

Strawberry banana oat smoothie

Duration: 10 mins

Difficulty: Easy

Budget: Affordable

Serving size: 2 servings

Calories: 200 kcals / person


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup frozen (150g) strawberries
  • 1/2 cup (40g) rolled oats
  • 1 cup (240ml) almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon (15ml) honey


  1. Peel the banana: To start, remove the skin of one banana.
  2. Place it in a blender: Put the peeled banana in a blender. Make sure the blender is clean and dry.
  3. Add the frozen strawberries: Next, add some frozen strawberries to the blender. The frozen strawberries should be of good quality and washed properly before freezing.
  4. Add rolled oats: Now add some rolled oats to the blender. Rolled oats are a type of whole-grain oat that have been steamed and flattened. They add texture and nutrition to the smoothie.
  5. Add almond milk: Pour some almond milk into the blender. Almond milk is a plant-based milk alternative that is creamy and nutritious.
  6. Add honey: To sweeten the smoothie, add some honey. Honey is a natural sweetener that adds flavor and nutrition to the smoothie.
  7. Blend on high: Now blend all the ingredients in the blender on high speed until they are well combined. This should take around 30-60 seconds. Make sure the blender lid is secure before blending.
  8. Check for smoothness: After blending, check the smoothie for smoothness. If it’s not smooth enough, blend it for a few more seconds until it reaches the desired consistency.
  9. Pour into a glass: Once the smoothie is smooth and creamy, pour it into a glass. Use a spoon to help transfer any remaining bits from the blender.
  10. Enjoy: Finally, enjoy your smoothie! You can sip it through a straw or drink it straight from the glass. Don’t forget to clean the blender after use.


  • Use unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk for a dairy-free option.
  • Add a scoop of protein powder or nut butter for extra protein and flavor.
  • Use frozen fruit to give the smoothie a thicker consistency and a colder temperature.
  • Soak the oats in the milk for 10-15 minutes before blending to make them easier to digest.
  • Use organic strawberries and bananas to avoid pesticide residues.
  • Add a handful of spinach or kale for an extra boost of nutrients.
  • Sprinkle some chia seeds or hemp hearts on top for added crunch and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Experiment with different flavor combinations by adding spices like cinnamon or ginger, or using different fruits like blueberries or mango.
  • Enjoy your smoothie immediately or store it in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Shake or stir before drinking if it separates.

This strawberry banana oat smoothie is a great way to start your day, as it’s packed with fiber, protein, and vitamins. It’s also easy to customize with your favorite fruits and add-ins, such as chia seeds, spinach, or nut butter. With endless flavor combinations to choose from, you’re sure to find a recipe that you love. So, grab your blender and start experimenting with different fruits, vegetables, and superfoods to create the perfect smoothie for you. Cheers to good health and great taste!

So next time you’re in the mood for a healthy and delicious smoothie, give this recipe a try!

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[…] including the best ingredients to use, tips for storing and defrosting, and how to create custom smoothie recipes that you’ll love. If you love smoothies but struggle to find the time to prepare them every […]

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